Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Words

It hasn't escaped my notice that I have posted very few words lately. I just don't have it in me, I think, not with all the noise and hubbub and toddlering going on around here lately.

Our trip to Hawaii was lovely, but also, I have a toddler. She gets into everything, needs naps, and doesn't let me take pictures. It was a sharp contrast from last year, when I spent many hours reading in the shade while the kids played in the pool. Towards the end of our trip, I was really looking forward to baby gates, to handing Chubble off to Francesco, and of course, to my own bed.

Somewhere in the complete madness of the last few weeks, we've flown past the opening notes of Spring, past Easter, and even past Chubble's first birthday. All a blur.

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