Saturday, February 14, 2009

In which Niki cleans her bathroom floors...finally

I have discovered that the surest route to a clean bathroom floor is a good old-fashioned toilet overflow incident.

Ah, the squeaky-cleanness.

Once the kids' bathroom floor was scourged, I of course had to do my own. Procrastination is a lovely thing so far as my housework is concerned.

I am a mush of conflicting emotions today. Irritated because the kids aren't getting along very well and keep bickering, satisfied because I have clean bathroom floors, frustrated because of a missed connection this morning, happy to be off call. It is odd that I can't shake an uncommonly high nervousness today. I think what I really need to do is stop procrastinating, worry over when I am going to pull out the LOs and start studying in earnest is not helping me in the slightest. Procrastinating, though, is so much more fun.


Unknown said...

Having extra children is not the route to internal calm. I hope you get the LOs done in a ....happy fashion!

Marie said...

Yay to cleen bathroom floors. and hope u get the LO's done smoothly and happy.