Monday, September 03, 2007


So, let's do the other-stuff update rounds, shall we?

I need some happy healthy healing vibes sent in the direction of my mother (who lives in HI), because she crashed her bike a couple days before my birthday and is healing but still hurting pretty bad. Going from her level of super-activity to not being able to tie back her own hair for weeks at a time must be super rough.

I went and hung out at Marie's earlier this week, and that was very nice. Except that Boyness was having issues. Total mystery but it was really bad and I'm pretty sure he had dairy at some point, especially since he can't hear again. I really like hanging with Marie, but damn Boyness has a way of trying to get us not-invited-back.

Went to ~L~s today, and we had a fire on the beach. That was fun. She taught me how to knit!!! Well, mostly. I'm happy with how nice my little swatchy-thing looks (it doesn't look nice at all, really, but the fact that it isn't horribly messy is really reassuring). I have no clue how to cast on and am not really sure how it was I managed to add/take away stitches on a few rows, but I know how to create a stitch now. I am sure that between ~L~ and Marie (I've seen Marie knit, blurry needles and all...), I'll be able to extract all the knitting advice I need to figure this whole thing out.

We brought Tony-safe chocolate chips to ~L~s and she made cookies for the beach. Cookies, saltine crackers, marshmallows....sugar OVERLOAD. The kids crashed on the way home and - you guessed it - are now up at 10:30 watching a movie. I might get Toddlerness to sleep some time tonight. Maybe.


Unknown said...

Your gauge swatch is LOVELY! Best I have seen! You picked up the stitches very well.

Casting on is butt easy once you have the knit stitch down.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to read about your Mom. Most of my physical injuries came from a bad bike accident. It used to be my exercise of choice!